Spring 2024

Preface to Love and Responsibility

Henri de Lubac

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

First of All Receptive: Aquinas on the Place of Relation and Receiving in Created Being | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

First of All Receptive: Aquinas on the Place of Relation and Receiving in Created Being

Michael Joseph Higgins

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

A Theological Reading of the Russian Regime: Sergei Bulgakov and the Theocratic Principle in 1917 | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

A Theological Reading of the Russian Regime: Sergei Bulgakov and the Theocratic Principle in 1917

Matthew J. Dal Santo

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Completing What is Lacking (Col 1:24): A Biblical Exploration of Ecclesial Co-atonement | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

Completing What is Lacking (Col 1:24): A Biblical Exploration of Ecclesial Co-atonement

Nina Sophie Heereman

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Church’s Universal Apostolicity at the Heart of Ecclesial Movements | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

The Church’s Universal Apostolicity at the Heart of Ecclesial Movements

Paolo Prosperi
Confucianism and Catholicism on the Family | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

Confucianism and Catholicism on the Family

Joshua R. Brown

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Historical Impact of Saint John Paul II on the Church’s Doctrine of the Family | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

The Historical Impact of Saint John Paul II on the Church’s Doctrine of the Family

Livio Melina
A Blood Transfusion for Theology: Pope Francis’s c’est la confiance, Thérèse, and Teresa | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

A Blood Transfusion for Theology: Pope Francis’s c’est la confiance, Thérèse, and Teresa

Lisa Lickona

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Introduction: Reforming the Church | Articles | Communio

Spring 2024

Introduction: Reforming the Church

Introduction: In Memoriam: Benedict XVI, David L. Schindler, Roch Kereszty | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Introduction: In Memoriam: Benedict XVI, David L. Schindler, Roch Kereszty

On Coming to the Program | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

On Coming to the Program

David L. Schindler

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

St. Bernard’s School of Spirituality | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

St. Bernard’s School of Spirituality

Roch Kereszty

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Roch Kereszty: Master of Cistercian Ressourcement | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Roch Kereszty: Master of Cistercian Ressourcement

Peter Casarella
Going to the Heart: An Interview | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Going to the Heart: An Interview

David L. Schindler

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“America! America! May God Thy Gold Refine”: David L. Schindler’s Praise for the United States | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

“America! America! May God Thy Gold Refine”: David L. Schindler’s Praise for the United States

Reuben Slife

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Regensburg Revisited: Faith, Culture, and Mission in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Regensburg Revisited: Faith, Culture, and Mission in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger

Hugh O'Donnell

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Normative and Performative: The Authority of Scripture in the Thought of Benedict XVI | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Normative and Performative: The Authority of Scripture in the Thought of Benedict XVI

Scott W. Hahn
Transforming the World into Communion with God: Sacred Liturgy in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Transforming the World into Communion with God: Sacred Liturgy in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger

Uwe Michael Lang

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Joseph Ratzinger on Democracy within the Church | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

Joseph Ratzinger on Democracy within the Church

Tracey Rowland

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“Charity Builds Up” (1 Cor 8:1)—but Which Charity? On Víctor Manuel Fernández’s Theological Proposal | Articles | Communio

Winter 2023

“Charity Builds Up” (1 Cor 8:1)—but Which Charity? On Víctor Manuel Fernández’s Theological Proposal

José Granados
The Latent Resources in St. Augustine’s Thought | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

The Latent Resources in St. Augustine’s Thought

Maurice Blondel

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

On Psalm 45 | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

On Psalm 45

Robert Spaemann

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

A Modern Genealogy of the Metaphysics of Information | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

A Modern Genealogy of the Metaphysics of Information

Marco Stango
The Delivering Word: Dialogue as Coauthorship of Reality | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

The Delivering Word: Dialogue as Coauthorship of Reality

Erik van Versendaal

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

With What Must We Begin? | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

With What Must We Begin?

Chad Engelland

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Philosophizing in Mary: The Test Case of Anselm’s Argument | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

Philosophizing in Mary: The Test Case of Anselm’s Argument

Michaël Bauwens
The Sacramental Character of Truth | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

The Sacramental Character of Truth

Rudy A. te Velde

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Introduction: Commemorating Fides et ratio | Articles | Communio

Fall 2023

Introduction: Commemorating Fides et ratio

On Reason and Hope: Plato, Pieper, and the Hopeful Structure of Reason | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

On Reason and Hope: Plato, Pieper, and the Hopeful Structure of Reason

Ryan M. Brown

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Creativity and Tradition: A Framework for Sacred Music | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

Creativity and Tradition: A Framework for Sacred Music

Mary Catherine Levri

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

On Art in Our Churches | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

On Art in Our Churches

Martin Mosebach

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Memores Domini: Living God’s Memory in a Post-Christian World | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

Memores Domini: Living God’s Memory in a Post-Christian World

Antonio López

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Three Rivers: Memory as Mediation and Mission in Purgatorio and Paradiso | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

Three Rivers: Memory as Mediation and Mission in Purgatorio and Paradiso

Mary Taylor

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Third Greatest Commandment: Memory as Imperative, Defense, and Supplication | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

The Third Greatest Commandment: Memory as Imperative, Defense, and Supplication

Jason Peters
Notes Toward the Definition of Memory | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

Notes Toward the Definition of Memory

D. C. Schindler
Introduction: Memory | Articles | Communio

Summer 2023

Introduction: Memory

Introduction: The Spirit of Unity | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Introduction: The Spirit of Unity

Twice-Told Tales on The Scarlet Letter: Assessing a Reassessment | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Twice-Told Tales on The Scarlet Letter: Assessing a Reassessment

Robert Alexander

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Julian of Norwich’s Divine Autobiography | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Julian of Norwich’s Divine Autobiography

Jeremiah Barker

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Current Trends in Religious Thought | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Current Trends in Religious Thought

Jean Daniélou

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Delimiting Freedom: Aquinas between Brain Science and Choice Gone Wild | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Delimiting Freedom: Aquinas between Brain Science and Choice Gone Wild

Anselm Ramelow
Covenant Love: A Symbolic Reading of the Song of Songs | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Covenant Love: A Symbolic Reading of the Song of Songs

Nina Sophie Heereman

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Sacramental Principle | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

The Sacramental Principle

Jonathan Martin Ciraulo

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Holy Spirit and World Religions in Theology and in the Magisterium | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

The Holy Spirit and World Religions in Theology and in the Magisterium

Gavin D'Costa

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Reflections on the Holy Spirit’s Role in Christ’s Sacrifice | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

Reflections on the Holy Spirit’s Role in Christ’s Sacrifice

Antonio López

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Church as Temple of the Spirit: Is There Room for Magisterial Error? | Articles | Communio

Spring 2023

The Church as Temple of the Spirit: Is There Room for Magisterial Error?

Matthew Levering
Prayer in the Work of the Exegete | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

Prayer in the Work of the Exegete

Thomas Esposito

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Divine Exuberance: Erich Przywara on the Metaphysics of Catholicity | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

Divine Exuberance: Erich Przywara on the Metaphysics of Catholicity

Travis Lacy

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

God’s Universal Salvific Will and the Mission of Communio | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

God’s Universal Salvific Will and the Mission of Communio

Rodney Howsare

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“O Christ, Ever Greater”: De Lubac on Teilhard and the Cosmic Scope of Jesus Christ’s Humanity | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

“O Christ, Ever Greater”: De Lubac on Teilhard and the Cosmic Scope of Jesus Christ’s Humanity

Keith Lemna

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“Only If We Do Not Lose Creation”: Communio and the Battle for the Meaning of the World | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

“Only If We Do Not Lose Creation”: Communio and the Battle for the Meaning of the World

Michael Dominic Taylor

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Covenantal Communion between God, Man, and Creation: Reflections on Joseph Ratzinger | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

Covenantal Communion between God, Man, and Creation: Reflections on Joseph Ratzinger

Matthew Ramage

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Poetic Communion: Literary Form and Divine Encounter | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

Poetic Communion: Literary Form and Divine Encounter

Dwight A. Lindley III

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Whole in the Fragment: The Vocations of Philosopher and Poet for the Salvation of the World | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

The Whole in the Fragment: The Vocations of Philosopher and Poet for the Salvation of the World

Erik van Versendaal
The Ever-Prior Act: Claudel and the Poetics of Communio | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

The Ever-Prior Act: Claudel and the Poetics of Communio

Jennifer Newsome Martin

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

From Extrinsicism to a World That Denies Both Nature and Grace: A Polyphonic Analysis of Secularism | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

From Extrinsicism to a World That Denies Both Nature and Grace: A Polyphonic Analysis of Secularism

Tracey Rowland
The Inexhaustible Reality: Joseph Ratzinger and the Sacred Liturgy | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

The Inexhaustible Reality: Joseph Ratzinger and the Sacred Liturgy

Robert Sarah
Introduction: The Unity and Mission of the Church: Communio at 50 Years | Articles | Communio

Winter 2022

Introduction: The Unity and Mission of the Church: Communio at 50 Years

Animal Welfare and Human Dignity | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Animal Welfare and Human Dignity

Robert Spaemann

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Sigrid Undset: Holiness and Culture | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Sigrid Undset: Holiness and Culture

Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis Simeon Leiva-Merikakis

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

If 2 + 2 = 5 | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

If 2 + 2 = 5

Sigrid Undset

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Philosophical Incarnation and Theological Incarnation: A History That Has Happened to the Flesh | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Philosophical Incarnation and Theological Incarnation: A History That Has Happened to the Flesh

Emmanuel Falque

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“Riveted with Faith Unto Your Flesh”: Technology’s Flight from Actuality and the Word Made Flesh | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

“Riveted with Faith Unto Your Flesh”: Technology’s Flight from Actuality and the Word Made Flesh

Michael Dominic Taylor
Matter as Revelation of God’s Love | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Matter as Revelation of God’s Love

Rachel M. Coleman

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Hearts of Flesh: A Meditation on Human Nature and the Language That Gives Life | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Hearts of Flesh: A Meditation on Human Nature and the Language That Gives Life

D. C. Schindler
An Apologetics of the Flesh: The Body as the Path to God | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

An Apologetics of the Flesh: The Body as the Path to God

José Granados

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

David L. Schindler: In Memoriam | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

David L. Schindler: In Memoriam

Introduction: The Flesh | Articles | Communio

Fall 2022

Introduction: The Flesh

Jerome and the Lord’s Prayer: Some Philological Observations | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Jerome and the Lord’s Prayer: Some Philological Observations

John M. Rist

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Othello: Iago’s Dark Powers and the Empiricist Mindset | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Othello: Iago’s Dark Powers and the Empiricist Mindset

Robert Alexander

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Augustine and the Catholic “Form” of Scripture | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Augustine and the Catholic “Form” of Scripture

Colin Miller
The Crisis of Ethics in the West | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

The Crisis of Ethics in the West

Carlo Caffarra

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Carlo Caffarra: Teacher and Witness of Love’s Truth | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Carlo Caffarra: Teacher and Witness of Love’s Truth

Livio Melina

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Family as an Image of the Trinity in Aquinas | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

The Family as an Image of the Trinity in Aquinas

Michael Joseph Higgins

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Nexus indissolubilis: A Balthasarian-Augustinian Meditation on the Spousal Embrace | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Nexus indissolubilis: A Balthasarian-Augustinian Meditation on the Spousal Embrace

Adrian J. Walker

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

The Natural Supernaturality of Marriage | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

The Natural Supernaturality of Marriage

D. C. Schindler

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

What May We Expect from the Family? | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

What May We Expect from the Family?

Gerhard Ludwig Müller
Introduction: Marriage and Family | Articles | Communio

Summer 2022

Introduction: Marriage and Family

Balthasar: Proponent and Beneficiary of the Thought of Ferdinand Ulrich | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Balthasar: Proponent and Beneficiary of the Thought of Ferdinand Ulrich

Jacques Servais
Qualcosa di Dio: The Metaphysics of Desire and Paradox of the Real | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Qualcosa di Dio: The Metaphysics of Desire and Paradox of the Real

Aaron Riches
Henri de Lubac and the Christian Mystery of Nature and Grace | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Henri de Lubac and the Christian Mystery of Nature and Grace

Nicholas J. Healy Jr.

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

A Catholic Spirituality of Nonaction: Rereading Hans Urs Von Balthasar with the Daodejing | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

A Catholic Spirituality of Nonaction: Rereading Hans Urs Von Balthasar with the Daodejing

Joshua R. Brown

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

A Miracle of Grace: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Vision of Priestly Spirituality | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

A Miracle of Grace: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Vision of Priestly Spirituality

John Nepil

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Jesus, the Last Supper, and the Paschal Mystery: Rethinking the Date of the Last Supper in John | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Jesus, the Last Supper, and the Paschal Mystery: Rethinking the Date of the Last Supper in John

Brant Pitre

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Christ in Preaching and Sacrament: A Rapprochement of Catholic and Protestant Views | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Christ in Preaching and Sacrament: A Rapprochement of Catholic and Protestant Views

Gerhard Ludwig Müller

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Christ, Redeemer of the Body and Redeemer of Love: The Proposal of Karol Wojtyła | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Christ, Redeemer of the Body and Redeemer of Love: The Proposal of Karol Wojtyła

José Granados

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Introduction: Christ the Redeemer | Articles | Communio

Spring 2022

Introduction: Christ the Redeemer

Questions about the Structure and Duties of the Synod of Bishops | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Questions about the Structure and Duties of the Synod of Bishops

Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Why We Need Alexander Schmemann | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Why We Need Alexander Schmemann

David W. Fagerberg
Catholic Politics and the Analogy of Authority | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Catholic Politics and the Analogy of Authority

D. C. Schindler

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

“Paul in Every Letter Remembers You”: The Holy Spirit and the Unity of the Church | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

“Paul in Every Letter Remembers You”: The Holy Spirit and the Unity of the Church

Thomas Esposito

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Synodality: Then and Now–in Rome and in Germany | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Synodality: Then and Now–in Rome and in Germany

Hans Feichtinger

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Synodality, Sociologism, and the Judgment of History | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Synodality, Sociologism, and the Judgment of History

Michael Hanby
Communion, Sacramental Authority, and the Limits of Synodality | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Communion, Sacramental Authority, and the Limits of Synodality

Nicholas J. Healy Jr.
Synodality, the Magisterium, and the Faith of the People of God | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Synodality, the Magisterium, and the Faith of the People of God

Roch Kereszty

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Introduction: Synodality | Articles | Communio

Winter 2021

Introduction: Synodality

Memory Eternal: Fruitful Death as the Form of Personal Mediation (Part II) | Articles | Communio

Fall 2021

Memory Eternal: Fruitful Death as the Form of Personal Mediation (Part II)

Erik van Versendaal
Thinking God through the Unity of Life and Thought: How De Grammatico Clarifies the Proslogion | Articles | Communio

Fall 2021

Thinking God through the Unity of Life and Thought: How De Grammatico Clarifies the Proslogion

John Bayer

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

A Philosophy of God in Man: Maurice Blondel’s Retrieval of Meaning through Fruitful Action | Articles | Communio

Fall 2021

A Philosophy of God in Man: Maurice Blondel’s Retrieval of Meaning through Fruitful Action

Caitlin W. Jolly

This article can be found in the printed issue only.

Liberalism, the Church, and the Unreality of God | Articles | Communio

Fall 2021

Liberalism, the Church, and the Unreality of God

Larry Chapp

This article can be found in the printed issue only.