Gould, William J. , Jr. The Challenge of Liberal Political Culture in the Thought of John Courtney Murray - Volume 19.1 (Spring 1992)
Graham, Donald G. Ratzinger’s Reception of Newman on Conscience: Memory, History, Creation, and Christ - Volume 47.4 (Winter 2020) On Fairy Stories, Family, and Love: Living “Psychologically Within the Rhythm of Christ’s Relations With the Church” - Volume 33.4 (Winter 2006 )
Granados, Luis The End of History: The Parousia of Christ as Cosmic Liturgy - Volume 39.3 (Fall 2012)
Granados, José “Charity Builds Up” (1 Cor 8:1)—but Which Charity? On Víctor Manuel Fernández’s Theological Proposal - Volume 50.4 (Winter 2023) An Apologetics of the Flesh: The Body as the Path to God - Volume 49.3 (Fall 2022) Christ, Redeemer of the Body and Redeemer of Love: The Proposal of Karol Wojtyła - Volume 49.1 (Spring 2022) The Pandemic: A Sacramental Reading - Volume 47.3 (Fall 2020) The Body and Happiness: An Augustinian Synthesis - Volume 47.2 (Summer 2020) From Flesh to Flesh: On the Sacramental Meaning of Tradition - Volume 44.4 (Winter 2017) “The Flesh Is of No Avail”: Theology of the Body as Necessary to Understanding Life in the Spirit - Volume 43.2 (Summer 2016) The Synergy of Doctrine and Life - Volume 43.1 (Spring 2016) The Sacramental Character of Faith - Volume 41.2 (Summer 2014) On the Sacramental Nature of Health - Volume 41.3 (Fall 2014) The Word Springs From the Flesh: The Mystery of the Preaching of the Kingdom - Volume 34.1 (Spring 2007) The Liturgy: Presence of a New Body, Source of a Fulfilled Time - Volume 39.4 (Winter 2012) The Body, the Family, and the Order of Love: The Interpretive Key to Vatican II - Volume 39.1 (Spring-Summer 2012) The First Fruits of the Flesh and the First Fruits of the Spirit: the Mystery of the Ascension - Volume 38.1 (Spring 2011) Taste and See: The Body and the Experience of God - Volume 37.2 (Summer 2010) Risen Time: Easter as the Source of History - Volume 37.1 (Spring 2010) The Suffering Body, Hope, and the Disclosure of the Future - Volume 36.4 (Winter 2009) Priesthood: A Sacrament of the Father - Volume 36.2 (Summer 2009 ) The New Hosanna in the New Temple: Jesus’ Entry Into Jerusalem - Volume 36.1 (Spring 2009) Embodied Light, Incarnate Image: The Mystery of Jesus Transfigured - Volume 35.1 (Spring 2008) Toward a Theology of the Suffering Body - Volume 33.4 (Winter 2006 ) Through Mary’s Memory to Jesus’ Mystery - Volume 33.1 (Spring 2006) ANT-OAR: Is Its Underlying Philosophy of Biology Sound? - Volume 32.4 (Winter 2005) Love and the Organism: A Theological Contribution to the Study of Life - Volume 32.3 (Fall 2005) The Ages of the Life of Jesus: The Mystery of the Baptism in the Jordan - Volume 32.1 (Spring 2005)
Grant, George Faith and the Multiversity - Volume 40.1 (Spring 2013) In Defense of North America - Volume 38.2 (Summer 2011) Thinking About Technology - Volume 28.3 (Fall 2001)
Graziotto, Roberto What Does It Mean to Philosophize? - Volume 29.4 (Winter 2002) How Christians Should Think About Politics. Reflections in a Time of War - Volume 31.2 (Summer 2004 )
Greiner, Franz The Unpublished Encyclical - Volume 00.2 (1973) Empty Phrases? The Question of Principles of Educational Reform in the German Federal Republic - Volume 00.1 (1972) L’enfant sauvage - Volume 00.1 (1972) This Side of Bangor - Volume 00.1 (1972) The Silent Majority: A Discussion - Volume 00.1 (1972) A Comprehensive Scheme for the Church Communications Media - Volume 00.1 (1972) Wreaths for Leni Gruyten - Volume 00.1 (1972)