Bernanos, Georges Christianity and the Writer’s Task: Letter to Frédéric Lefèvre - Volume 28.1 (Spring 2001) Sermon of an Agnostic on the Feast of St. Thérèse - Volume 24.3 (Fall 1997) Journal Entries and Letters Recounting an Ecclesial Existence - Volume 23.2 (Summer 1996)
Bernardi, Peter J. Maurice Blondel and the Renewal of the Nature-Grace Relationship - Volume 26.4 (Winter 1999)
Berry, Wendell Inverting the Economic Order - Volume 36.3 (Fall 2009) Life Is a Miracle - Volume 27.1 (Spring 2000)
Bess, Philip City Stories of Nature and Grace: An Urban Pilgrim’s Progress - Volume 43.4 (Winter 2016)
Betz, John The Analogia Entis in Erich Pryzwara and Ferdinand Ulrich: Toward a More Catholic Metaphysics - Volume 46.1 (Spring 2019)
Bieler, Jonathan The Upward Pursuit of Happiness in Bonaventure’s Itinerarium mentis in Deum - Volume 47.2 (Summer 2020) Maximus the Confessor on Christ’s Human Will - Volume 43.1 (Spring 2016)
Bieler, Martin Ferdinand Ulrich’s “Metaphysics as Reenactment” - Volume 46.1 (Spring 2019) The Consummation of the World as a Re-capitulation - Volume 43.3 (Fall 2016) God and the Cross: The Doctrine of God in the Work of Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 42.1 (Spring 2015) Creation, Evolution, and the Drama of Redemption - Volume 33.2 (Summer 2006) Causality and Freedom - Volume 32.3 (Fall 2005) The Mysteries of Jesus’ Public Life: Stages on the Way to the Cross - Volume 29.1 (Spring 2002) The Future of the Philosophy of Being - Volume 26.3 (Fall 1999) Meta-Anthropology and Christology: On the Philosophy of Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 20.1 (Spring 1993)
Birot, Antoine The Divine Drama, From the Father’s Perspective: How the Father Lives Love in the Trinity - Volume 30.3 (Fall 2003 ) “God in Christ, Reconciled the World to Himself”: Redemption in Balthasar - Volume 24.2 (Summer 1997)