Healy, Philip Peter’s Plaint and Petrine Claims: The Poetry of Robert Southwell (1561-1595) - Volume 22.3 (Fall 1995)
Healy Jr., Nicholas J. The Christian Personalism of John Paul II - Volume 51.3 (Fall 2024) Henri de Lubac and the Christian Mystery of Nature and Grace - Volume 49.1 (Spring 2022) Communion, Sacramental Authority, and the Limits of Synodality - Volume 48.4 (Winter 2021) The Indissoluble Nexus of Nature, Body, and Person: 50 Years after Humanae Vitae - Volume 45.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2018) Marriage, Priesthood, and the Sincere Gift of Self - Volume 45.2 (Summer 2018) Henri de Lubac on the Development of Doctrine - Volume 44.4 (Winter 2017) The Spirit of Christian Doctrine - Volume 43.2 (Summer 2016) Vatican II and the Catholicity of Salvation: A Response to Ralph Martin - Volume 42.1 (Spring 2015) The Merciful Gift of Indissolubility - Volume 41.2 (Summer 2014) Religious Freedom and Truth: The Contribution of Pope Benedict XVI - Volume 40.2 (Summer-Fall 2013) The Eucharist as the Form of Christian Life - Volume 39.4 (Winter 2012) Christian Personalism and the Debate Over the Nature and Ends of Marriage - Volume 39.1 (Spring-Summer 2012) Caritas in Veritate and Economic Theory - Volume 37.4 (Winter 2010) Henri de Lubac on Nature and Grace: A Note on Some Recent Contributions to the Debate - Volume 35.4 (Winter 2008) Communio: A Theological Journey - Volume 33.1 (Spring 2006) The World as Gift - Volume 32.3 (Fall 2005) Inclusion in Christ: Background to a Christian Doctrine of Providence - Volume 29.3 (Fall 2002)
Heereman, Nina Sophie Completing What is Lacking (Col 1:24): A Biblical Exploration of Ecclesial Co-atonement - Volume 51.1 (Spring 2024) Covenant Love: A Symbolic Reading of the Song of Songs - Volume 50.1 (Spring 2023)
Heffernan, Virginia The Woman in the Pew - Volume 03.4 (Winter 1976) Divorce and Remarriage in the Contemporary United States - Volume 01.3 (Fall 1974)
Heintz, Michael Christmas Martyria: The Octave of the Word Made Flesh - Volume 32.4 (Winter 2005) ‘Per humanitatem Filii tui’: Some Remarks on the Beginnings of Confessions 1 and 9 - Volume 31.3 (Fall 2004) Envy and Ingratitude in the Adversus Haereses of Irenaeus - Volume 30.1 (Spring 2003)
Hemmerle, Klaus The Concept of Salvation: Some Considerations for Fundamental Theology - Volume 00.1 (1972)