Prosperi, Paolo
- The Church’s Universal Apostolicity at the Heart of Ecclesial Movements - Volume 51.1 (Spring 2024)
- With the Eyes of an Eagle: Symbolism and the Proclamation of Faith in the Fourth Gospel - Volume 48.1 (Spring 2021)
- “And If They Fall as Lucifer Fell”: On the Lure of Anarchy - Volume 47.1 (Spring 2020)
- Pathei Mathos: Rereading Aeschylus’s Oresteia - Volume 46.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2019)
- “Fixed End of the Eternal Plan”: Rereading Cabasilas’s “Homily on the Annunciation” - Volume 46.2 (Summer 2019)
- Do Not Hold Me: Ascending the Ladder of Love - Volume 45.2 (Summer 2018)
- The Wine of the Wedding - Volume 44.3 (Fall 2017)
- “The Mystery of Mysteries”: On Péguy’s Vision of Hope - Volume 41.4 (Winter 2014)
- The Witness of the Martyrs in the Early Church - Volume 41.1 (Spring 2014)
- The Birth of Sources Chrétiennes and the Return to the Fathers - Volume 39.4 (Winter 2012)
- Novum in Vetere Latet. Vetus in Novo Patet: Toward a Renewal of Typological Exegesis - Volume 37.3 (Fall 2010)