Stock, Klemens Christ in Contemporary Exegesis: Where We Are and Where We Are Going - Volume 30.3 (Fall 2003 )
Strukelj, Anton The Purification of Memory - Volume 45.1 (Spring 2018) Hope Does Not Disappoint - Volume 23.3 (Fall 1996 ) Man and Woman under God: The Dignity of the Human Being According to Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 20.2 (Summer 1993) The Theo-Logic of Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 20.4 (Winter 1993)
Stuhlmueller, Carroll Repentance for Original Sin and Reconciliation in Christ - Volume 01.1 (Spring 1974)
Suquía, Angel The New Evangelization: Some Tasks and Risks of the Present - Volume 19.4 (Winter 1992)