Swetland, Stuart W. Joint Statement on the OAR Proposal: A Response to Criticisms - Volume 32.4 (Winter 2005)
Taylor, Michael Dominic “Only If We Do Not Lose Creation”: Communio and the Battle for the Meaning of the World - Volume 49.4 (Winter 2022) “Riveted with Faith Unto Your Flesh”: Technology’s Flight from Actuality and the Word Made Flesh - Volume 49.3 (Fall 2022)
Taylor, Mary Three Rivers: Memory as Mediation and Mission in Purgatorio and Paradiso - Volume 50.2 (Summer 2023) “The Sparkling of the Holy Ghost”: The Metaphysics of Nature and Grace in Dante’s Paradiso - Volume 46.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2019) Ecology on One’s Knees: Reading Laudato Si’ - Volume 42.4 (Winter 2015) “Faith Is Obvious”: The Apologetics of Creation - Volume 41.1 (Spring 2014) A Deeper Ecology: A Catholic Vision of the Person in Nature - Volume 38.4 (Winter 2011)
Teasdale, Wayne Bede Griffiths and the uniqueness of Christianity - Volume 11.2 (Summer 1984) The Nature of Sannyasa and Its Value for Christian Spirituality - Volume 12.3 (Fall 1985)