David S. Crawford
David S. Crawford is associate professor of moral theology and family law at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America.
- On Henry B. Veatch and “Natural Law and the ‘Is’-‘Ought’ Question”: A Brief Introduction - Volume 46.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2019)
- Public Reason and the Anthropology of Orientation - Volume 43.2 (Summer 2016)
- The Integrity of Moral Deliberation: On Paragraph 137 of the Instrumentum Laboris - Volume 42.2 (Summer 2015)
- Gay Marriage, Public Reason, and the Common Good - Volume 41.2 (Summer 2014)
- Is Religious Liberty Possible in a Liberal Culture? - Volume 40.2 (Summer-Fall 2013)
- Humanae Vitae and the Perfection of Love - Volume 25.3 (Fall 1998)
- The Gospel of Life and the Integrity of Death - Volume 39.3 (Fall 2012)
- Family and the Identity of the Person - Volume 39.1 (Spring-Summer 2012)
- Benedict XVI and the Structure of the Moral Act: On the Condoms Controversy - Volume 38.4 (Winter 2011)
- Experience of Nature, Moral Experience: Interpreting Veritatis splendor’s “Perspective of the Acting Person” - Volume 37.2 (Summer 2010)
- Natural Law and the Body: Between Deductivism and Parallelism - Volume 35.3 (Fall 2008)
- Recognizing the Roots of Society in the Family, Foundation of Justice - Volume 34.3 (Fall 2007)
- Conjugal Love, Condoms, and HIV/AIDS - Volume 33.3 (Fall 2006)
- Liberal Androgyny: “Gay Marriage” and the Meaning of Sexuality in Our Time - Volume 33.2 (Summer 2006)
- Of Spouses, the Real World, and the “Where” of Christian Marriage - Volume 33.1 (Spring 2006)
- Love, Action, and Vows as “Inner Form” of the Moral Life - Volume 32.2 (Summer 2005)
- Consecration and Human Action: The Moral Life as Response - Volume 31.3 (Fall 2004)
- Christian Community and the States of Life: A Reflection on the Anthropological Significance of Virginity and Marriage - Volume 29.2 (Summer 2002)