Pope John Paul II
John Paul II (1920–2005) was canonized by Pope Francis in April 2014.
- The Lived-Experience of Value in the Act of Faith - Volume 47.4 (Winter 2020)
- Nature and Grace: The Sacramental Reality of Marriage - Volume 42.2 (Summer 2015)
- A Meditation on Givenness - Volume 41.4 (Winter 2014)
- God’s Gift of Life and Love: On Marriage and the Eucharist - Volume 41.2 (Summer 2014)
- Address to the Group Representing the Journal Communio - Volume 19.3 (Fall 1992)
- Only Christ Can Fulfill Man’s Hopes - Volume 23.1 (Spring 1996)
- Telegram for the Funeral of Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 15.4 (Winter 1988)
- On the 600th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicholas of Cusa - Volume 28.4 (Winter 2001)
- On the Centenary of Blondel’s L’Action - Volume 20.4 (Winter 1993)
- “Day of Pardon” homily - Volume 27.1 (Spring 2000)
- Maurice Blondel’s Twofold Fidelity to Philosophy and to the Faith of the Church - Volume 38.1 (Spring 2011)
- Remembering Jerzy Ciesielski - Volume 29.4 (Winter 2002)