Joseph Ratzinger
Joseph Ratzinger is Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, having served as pope from 2005 to 2013.
- Conscience in Time - Volume 00.1 (1972)
- Beyond Death - Volume 00.1 (1972)
- Unity of the Church—Unity of Mankind. A Congress Report - Volume 00.1 (1972)
- What Unites and Divides Denominations? Ecumenical Reflections - Volume 00.1 (1972)
- The “Brief Formulas of Faith” Question Again: Some Comments - Volume 00.2 (1973)
- Eschatology and Utopia - Volume 05.3 (Fall 1978)
- The Church and Scientific Theology - Volume 07.4 (Winter 1980)
- Technological Security as a Problem of Social Ethics - Volume 09.3 (Fall 1982 )
- Problems in Catechesis Today: An Interview with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Volume 11.2 (Summer 1984)
- Luther and the Unity of the Churches: An Interview with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Volume 11.3 (Fall 1984)
- Interpretation-Contemplation-Action - Volume 13.2 (Summer 1986)
- Liturgy and Sacred Music - Volume 13.4 (Winter 1986)
- Cardinal Fring’s Speeches During the Second Vatican Council - Volume 15.1 (Spring 1988)
- “You Are Full of Grace”: Elements of Biblical Devotion to Mary - Volume 16.1 (Spring 1989)
- Peace and Justice in Crisis: The Task of Religion - Volume 16.4 (Winter 1989)
- Concerning the Notion of Person in Theology - Volume 17.3 (Fall 1990)
- Communio: A Program - Volume 19.3 (Fall 1992)
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Optimism of the Redeemed - Volume 20.3 (Fall 1993)
- Christian Faith as “the Way”: An Introduction to Veritatis Splendor - Volume 21.2 (Summer 1994)
- Christian Universalism: On Two Collections of Papers by Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 22.3 (Fall 1995)
- Truth and Freedom - Volume 23.1 (Spring 1996)
- The Holy Spirit as Communio: Concerning the Relationship of Pneumatology and Spirituality in Augustine - Volume 25.2 (Summer 1998)
- Thoughts on the Place of Marian Doctrine and Piety in Faith and Theology as a Whole - Volume 30.1 (Spring 2003)
- Introduction to Christianity: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow - Volume 31.3 (Fall 2004)
- Funeral Homily for Msgr. Luigi Giussani - Volume 31.4 (Winter 2004)
- The Sign of Cana - Volume 33.4 (Winter 2006 )
- Conscience and Truth - Volume 37.3 (Fall 2010)
- On Hope - Volume 12.1 (Spring 1985) - Volume 35.2 (Summer 2008)
- Sources and Transmission of the Faith - Volume 10.1 (Spring 1983)
- Faith, Philosophy and Theology - Volume 11.4 (Winter 1984)
- The Ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council - Volume 13.3 (Fall 1986)
- Church and Economy: Responsibility for the World Economy - Volume 13.3 (Fall 1986)
- Freedom and Liberation: The Anthropological Vision of the Instruction Libertatis conscientia - Volume 14.1 (Spring 1987)
- Homily at the Funeral Liturgy for Hans Urs von Balthasar - Volume 15.4 (Winter 1988)
- Man Between Reproduction and Creation - Volume 16.2 (Summer 1989)
- Jesus Christ Today - Volume 17.1 (Spring 1990)
- Biblical Foundations of Priesthood - Volume 17.4 (Winter 1990)
- Conscience in Time - Volume 19.4 (Winter 1992)
- The Meaning of Sunday - Volume 21.1 (Spring 1994)
- God in Pope John Paul II’s Crossing the Threshold of Hope - Volume 22.1 (Spring 1995)
- The New Covenant: A Theology of Covenant in the New Testament - Volume 22.4 (Winter 1995)
- Interreligious Dialogue and Jewish-Christian Relations - Volume 25.1 (Spring 1998)
- The Theological Locus of Ecclesial Movements - Volume 25.3 (Fall 1998)
- The Renewal of Moral Theology: Perspectives of Vatican II and Veritatis splendor - Volume 32.2 (Summer 2005)
- Europe in the Crisis of Cultures - Volume 32.2 (Summer 2005)
- The Origins of Western Theology and the Roots of European Culture - Volume 38.2 (Summer 2011)
- Difficulties Confronting the Faith in Europe Today - Volume 38.4 (Winter 2011)
- The Primacy of the Pope and the Unity of the People of God - Volume 41.1 (Spring 2014)
- The New Evangelization - Volume 44.2 (Summer 2017)
- Sources Chrétiennes and the One Unique Source - Volume 44.2 (Summer 2017)
- From the Depths of Our Hearts (An Excerpt) - Volume 46.2 (Summer 2019)
- Questions about the Structure and Duties of the Synod of Bishops - Volume 48.4 (Winter 2021)