On the Concept of Person
Hans Urs von Balthasar"The word 'person' receives its special dignity in history when it is illuminated by the unique theological meaning."
The notion of "person" is of perennial interest for Communio editors and readers. Here you'll find in chronological order some of our most frequently requested articles dealing with the history and meaning of the concept of person.
"The word 'person' receives its special dignity in history when it is illuminated by the unique theological meaning."
"Relativity toward the other constitutes the human person. The human person is the event or being of relativity."
"The perfection of being—and therefore of the person—is essentially dyadic, culiminating in communion."
“Within the space of the Church, persons do not exist as unrelated atoms, but they mutually pervade each other, analogously to the perichoresis of the Persons of the Trinity.”
“By defending the human being, beauty also defends philosophy. It protects the great question which man himself becomes from being broken down into petty problems.”
"To be a person is to be a member of a communio personarum."
"There is only one admissible criterion for human personhood: belonging biologically to the human family."
"In forgiveness, I allow the other to distance himself from his nature, from the way he is. In the moment of forgiveness, the other ceases to be a liar, so to speak. But it takes permission from outside of himself."
“[A] person is a distinct subsisting being whose rational nature is capable of realizing relationality (and, with it, all the transcendentals) in a conscious and free exchange of love.”