Introduction: Food
“Grace is not external to created being as love.”
“The need for making a conscious effort to build a contemplative life remains, in fact becomes stronger, as responsibility grows.”
“Did the time of ripening close to the earth for St. Benedict, when he experienced hunger, physical deprivation, and temptations, give him the insight that the path to holiness begins with descent?”
“Joy is only perfect, and truly vivifying for others, when it rises into oblation.”
“[M]an extends God’s dominion in undertaking the whole of what culminates in the family meal.”
“How could one joyfully drink the wine of this union, without at the same time being pierced by the painful memory of the wound from which it flows?”
“It is only in man’s being male and female that the personal is rooted in the natural and that the natural maintains a fruitful openness to the personal.”