Introduction: God and the Crisis of Meaning
“[T]he Father is that much more almighty over the world and its history because his power can go into effect within this world, which can take place only by enlisting created freedoms.”
“America, unlike the nations of Europe, is the essentially modern nation and . . . the American experiment is thus essentially revolutionary—perhaps, in the final analysis, more revolutionary than Marxism.”
“The ironic result of separating conscience from acts is that government assumes absolute control over conscience even while claiming to protect it from its own reach.”
“Christians lack the heroism of the child as put forward by ‘The Little Flower,’ which alone can save the world, and settle instead for moral casuistry, doctrinal pettifoggery, and worldly political alliances that neuter this heroism and render the Gospel they preach literally in-credible.”
“All human action is, radically speaking, an ‘undergoing’ of divine creative action, and it is in ratifying this truth that the creature appropriates the very act that creates him, thus becoming an analogously creative cause.”
“If I do not believe there is something magnetizing my reason, along with every other human faculty, then I simply cannot search for what Anselm calls Deus, for who can search for what he cannot even identify?”
“[T]he child is the proper finite consummation of the person’s enfleshed desire, and so the child is that created end for the sake of which man and woman do all that they do in the world.”