Summer 2024

Paradoxes of Faith

The Presence of Mystery: Structures of Paradox in Hans Urs von Balthasar

Roberto Carelli

“The child represents, in person, the paradox of love because he, as a son, is the different unity that originates from the unified difference of his parents. And since he exists by receiving himself and is free by his obedience, he is indeed the personal paradox of love as rich poverty and poor wealth.”

Heresy: The Rejection of Paradox

Peter John McGregor

“[T]he resolution of one paradox does not lead to an ultimate synthesis, but to a new paradox.”

Toward a Spiritual Christology: Reflections on the Impassible Suffering of God

Jeremiah Barker

“Impassible suffering already characterizes the God of Israel prior to the Annunciation. Do we not see an impassible sufferer when he creates a free humanity whom he approaches as a lover? In approaching her, does he not make himself vulnerable to being rejected by her?”

The Triumph of Love: Nuptial Imagery in the Book of Revelation

Donal A. McIlraith

“It is the risen Christ who is responsible for the formation of this community and for its final nuptial form: the bride comes from the love of Christ.”